Swiss Longing
I miss Switzerland today. Scanning through Josh Rodriguez' photos on his blog sparked it off. I am eager to visit in January, yet I know that even a trip to Switzerland will not scratch this itch. It cannot be reached, like a phantom itch on an amputee's arm... that era of my life is gone and done. I miss not only the place, not only the people (and I miss them very much!), but that time of my life. The pressure of reponsibility pushing me into the Lord in ways that I do not have now, providing spiritual leadership, planning events and setting precedents... all of these things I do not find here and now. That was who I was. This is not who I am. I am not actually a computer technician. I am a pastor in training. And this is my desert. I suppose it's normal to miss the jungle.
A Thought: When you are looking for a building for your church, don't get one that looks like a funeral home. Purely a consideration for your future congregation.
Yeah. Good point. You know, the church in Kentucky where Jordan attends (and soon Melissa also) was a funeral home before it was a church. And it works out pretty good. There's still two wooden coffins in the attack and a ledger of business transactions from long ago.
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