Saturday, July 23, 2011

Something Divine?

I sometimes wonder how God can unconditionally love every human on the planet. So often I am exposed to the unloveliness of humanity. We are rude, short, selfish, outspoken, vain, childish... complete the list with your own personal pet peeves. It's easy to see the worst in others, their shortcomings, their insecurities... it's also easy to see those things in myself. I suppose I can just as easily (if not moreso!) wonder how a righteous God could harbor feelings of infinite love for me.

Yet... there are moments, and I never know exactly when they are coming, when I feel like I share a piece of this same unconditional love for all of humanity. Perhaps I am in an airport, and I see someone sleeping slumped-over, mouth agape, and I have this rush of affection for this stranger. Maybe a cab driver smiles at me. An employee is stocking milk in the dairy section of the supermarket and I get a taste of our Father's furious love for his child.

I love these moments. I wish I could live there all the time.


Blogger THE RON said...

And I wish you'd put your thoughts down "...all the time."

Or, at least, more often.

3:51 PM  
Blogger Mr. Mando said...

Tim, you're blogging again, so happy to read your thoughts!

2:02 PM  

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