Intelligent Design vs. Slime + Time
Recently my brother and I jumped back into our discussion on evolution vs. creation. I think that this whole debate is especially key right now in our day and age, with the stakes being huge. Have you noticed how hotly this is debated among the scientific community? Ever wondered why? I believe the bottom line is the idea that if we are all the product of intelligent design, we are accountable to the Creator who put us here. A lot of people don't like the idea of any other being that is ulimately higher than ourselves, to whom we must give an account. We want to do whatever the heck we want to do. The only way this can work is if we are here by chance, millions of chances, all stacked one on top of the other. This provides no moral framework, with no ultimate accountability, from which to make decisions, and we get to invent our own ideas about what is right and wrong.
Are you read up on the arguments? For pro-evolution viewpoints, check out To see what creationists have to say, go to the Institute for Creation Research or Answers in Genesis.
comon guys. you both are fighting a winless battle. both trying to prove each other wrong. neither one of you really knowing anything. only assuming that the other is wrong cause you think that.. maybe you are right.
accidents can and do happen and on the same token there could be a god or gods. if it is evolution then, maybe one day we will be able to understand how it happend but, for now, we dont. if it is a god or, god, then maybe all the devout followers to mass publisized religions will one day realize that if god were truley GOOD and LOVING and actually CARED for HIS CREATION he wouldt be letting people be tormented for eternity because they did what they thought/believed was right. and if infact this was the case. well. he would not be NICE, GOOD, LOVING, CARING or anything of the sort. simply put, he would be an ass hole.
ID says that a universe of such complexity logically requires an even more complex designer.
The problem is, the same principle must then be applied the the creator -- a being of such complexity must also have a creator of greater complexity.
ID fails even as a concept because it uses the very argument it rejects. The universe in all its glory couldn't have just be, there must be some intelligent designer behind it. And where did this being come from?
Oh... he just is.
Here is some further reading on the subject:
One Side Can be Wrong Recent article on why accepting 'intelligent design' in science classrooms would have disastrous consequences.
Get-A-Life starts out expressing thoughts I've heard a hundred times before, but when it gets into artificial life models it's fantastic.
Survey of religious beliefs
Usenet post about believing scientific results.
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