And so today is November first. Which means that at some point in my busy day, I'm going to need to sit down and put some 1,667 words into my word document. Will I be successful this first day of a crazy month of writing a book? Will it be inspired? Will I actually come together with a plot? Or will my story totally stink? Will I just write crap?
All I can guarantee at this moment is this: I WILL write. And I've put my Inner Editor into the kennel where he will watch copious amounts of television and nitpick at the actors and plotlines he sees all day long.
I just went ahead and shot my inner editor. I think I may regret it in a month, at which time I will need to begin editing this beast.
Will you include a character named "Umberto," for the sake of random spontanaity?
Not now I won't.
Tim it would be cool if you included redundant redundant man man in your story.
Hey! I'm redundant man man. But I give you permission to exploit my life story if need be.
I wound up at 1,671 last night. Not too shabby.
So, how's the writing coming along? Planning to post any excerpts for us sometime?
yes - i think you should do that, since you clearly won't be blogging in this month of insanity
"The night was....."
"... balmy!"
The book will be kept strictly secret until it's huge and final, dying, gasping release date.
Sorry all. But all of the negative feedback would sap my confidence away.
I agree with Esther--good friends that we all are, I'm sure you'd more than likely just hear something like: "Good work, Tim. Excellent use of the Sicilian wanderer metaphor" (assuming, of course, you make use of the Sicilian wanderer metaphor--but you'll probably pull some other excellent ones out of your back pocket.) At least tell us the title.
Ok, well, the title of what I have so far, which corresponds to the Word document that I have saved on my desktop, is the following jarring tidbit of fiendish wit:
...Good work, Tim. Excellent use of fiendish wit in the development of your title. :)
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