Haven't felt too inspired to write anything new on my blog lately.
I have a blog stat code that shows how many people are hitting my blog each day. It's interesting to see that when I don't post anything new or exciting, the hits go way down. Sorry if you've checked back and haven't found anything new. Actually, this is the sole reason for this post. Pretty soon you're going to realize that I'm not actually writing anything of substance or interest. You may even feel like a good yawn, like stretching your legs and you might stand up and go and grab a soda, juice, or water, or maybe just stroll over and chat with a co-worker. This will feel nice, like you've momentarily broken the spell of the computer monitor's magical glare shining on you, eyes hypnotically wide, mind fused with the circuitry of your desktop computer.
How are you doing Tim?
You probably have the best name possible.
Tim Davis
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