Sunday, November 27, 2005


So my condo is slowly becoming a home. Tonight I sit in my livingroom... no, not on the carpet, but on a fine chair, my laptop sitting docile on the matching ottoman. This chair, along with another and two ottomans, as well as a dining set (one round table and three upholstered oak chairs with wheels on the bottom) were donated to the Help Tim Furnish His New Condo movement by the Sperry's. Many thanks to them. I will also be picking up a brand new queen-size bed from them, to replace to old decroded one that is giving me allergy attacks at night. I don't mean to be disthankful (I'm sure that's not a word) to the Donnelly's, who kindly donated this old beast to me, but it's just killing my sinuses, and it's time for it to go.

Not only furnishings help to make this place more homely, but the almost three bills I spent at QFC, Ross, and Target today are also contributing mightily. This is why I can eat popcorn, drink an ESB, and sit in front of my Duraflame log burning in the fireplace as I type these words. Not to mention the sweet linen window panels that now adorn my sliding glass doors. A HOME, I say.

Might be about time for an open house.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that sounds satisfying mr tim. but what is an esb?? here's a thought about owning things and having a home. without owning there cannot be giving, if you own stuff, you can give it and share it. if you make it a home, you can be hospitable. if there is a threshold to cross then you can welcome people across it.

come in dear people, you can say to them. hurrah then, for having a place of YOUR OWN

8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Happily Homemaking Tim,

Have you any decorating tips to offer your blogging audience? Do you recommend styling toward the modern, or perhaps more antique restoration period? How do you feel about this season's trendy jewel-tones, or are you partial to a more neutral palate? Do you fung shua?

Signed, Curious in Kirkland

1:42 PM  
Blogger jennifer joy staab said...

Dear Curious in Kirkland:
Wow! I think I'd want to read some of your personal decorating tips myself. Any time you'd want to help me out, check out my blog at

Juniper Tree

3:53 PM  
Blogger jennifer joy staab said...

oh and tim! post some pics of your newly acquired furnishings!

3:53 PM  
Blogger Timothy said...

Dear Curious,

Definitely shooting for a more modern approach, not so much traditional. Modern but warm, is my theme, staying away from harsh cubes and square edges but keeping things round and huggable.

Jewel tones. Yeah, as a fella, not really happening. A little to zesty for my taste... right now, I'm sticking with the neutrals, especially since beggars can't be choosers and the free furniture I got is a pale grey with dark oak.

Do I fung shua? I don't dance, sorry. Not yet. ;)

6:22 PM  

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