Thursday, February 08, 2007

Magic Lack of Traffic Morning

It's a strange thing, but some mornings, for no apparent reason, traffic is moving right along. I left my condo this morning at the time I usually do, around 7.30 AM, and there's always a timed light to let cars onto I-90. Usually the line is most of the way down the ramp, about 10-15 cars long. This morning, not only was there no line, but the on-ramp wasn't even metered. What makes today special?

Other observations from my morning commute:

- The lady at Starbucks told someone to have a nice morning. At first I thought that this wasn't as good as telling someone to have a nice day, since a full-on nice day would include a nice morning. But on further thought, I think wishing someone a nice morning is a little more personal, a bit more immediate, then the generic "Have a nice day."

- I watched all the freeway lights down I-90 turn off at the same time as the day got brighter. I've seen this happen several times in that same spot on different mornings. Perhaps it's not the light, but it is myself who is turning off all the freeway lights.

- A lady had a fake cat in the rear window of her car. What possesses a person to do that? Then everybody who sees it wonders for a second if it's a real animal, and then sees that it's not. What's the point?

In other news, I have a new 22" widescreen monitor at work. Yay!


Blogger Mr. Mando said...

sounds like an enjoyable series of events, I love it when that happens

9:24 AM  
Blogger justin said...

There's just something ironic about featuring a piece of technology on your blog that has a wallpaper featuring another piece of technology.

3:43 PM  
Blogger Timothy said...

Thank you. For not saying "ironical." You would be amazed how many time I've heard that lately.

5:42 PM  
Blogger justin said...

That's just tragical.

4:16 PM  

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