Thursday, October 06, 2005


Gosh. I guess it's time to make a new post, before y'all max out the comments page.

Today I'm tired. And I'm not even in San Francisco yet. Since my calendar is not up and running, I'll take this opportunity to say that I'll be gone from tommorow, the 7th, through the 13th. Unfortunately I'll be working on my birthday, the 8th. Don't let that stop you from sending gifts to my home, where they could wait until I come back from the show, all tired and puttered out, dragging my feet into the house, only to find a bunch of nicely wrapped gifts sitting for me there on the table!!!! Wouldn't that just be!!!! Wonderful!!!! Ok, so wishful thinking never killed anybody. Except maybe the guy who wished for death.

Buying a home is scary. It distracts me from everything else.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I debated sending a really really expensive, super-nice gift to you. But then I realized that you would probably appreciate a comment on your blog even more. So, happy birthday (tomorrow).

11:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, I'm new to the website blogging commentary protocol informational delivery systematic posthaste messaging techniques, but your blog is very cool, Tim! Plus I just wanted to say Happy Birthday, if a little bit late. Posting a blanket announcement is a very strategic idea. Hope you had a good one.

9:08 PM  
Blogger Timothy said...

Thank you!

The first time through that sentence I read "posthaste" as "toothpaste". Really switched things up a bit.

3:17 PM  

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