My Name
I really like my name. I like Timothy even better than Tim. Maybe I should become one of those people who insists everyone call them by a particular name. But no. I don't want to be one of those people. However, if you want to call me Timothy, you can. It is, after all, my name. And did I mention that I like it? I do. Especially in print.
As well, I prefer Stephen, all things being equal. But I don't mind Steve. Some of my close friends call me Steve, and I recall not even noticing for a long while.
In fact, come to think of it, I think all my intimate friends use Steve.
And I didn't even notice that until now. How funny.
I have been called a plethora of names growing up, some might even require an explanation, like garbanzo, moon, and beaner. But I like being called Armando and if you want to shorten it up Mando is fine. I like your name too Timothy, just don't call me that, it's not my name.
how about? TimmMMMmaagh?
Timothy is a nice name! I can understand wanting to be called the whole thing.
My name doesn't lend itself to shortening, so I've never had to choose!
But I like calling people by the long versions of their names (when I'm not being lazy). :)
My name is also Timothy or Tim, and my surname is Davis, and I live in Dorset, England!
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