I Do, Robot
An exerpt from this article about the future of robotics, and the way humans relate to them:
"An artificial intelligence researcher predicts that robotics will make such dramatic advances in the coming years that humans will be marrying robots by the year 2050.
"Robots will become so human-like -- having intelligent conversations, displaying emotions and responding to human emotions -- that they'll be very much like a new race of people, said David Levy, a British artificial intelligence researcher whose book, "Love and Sex with Robots," will be released on Nov. 6."
Lord Jesus, let it never be.
Hmm... yah 2050 in not that far away... Crazyness.
lol...should l post this? If I shouldn't have, Timothy, let me know.
In the early 70's I went to hear J. Vernon McGee, a well known radio preacher. He asked those over 60 (born in 19-teens, or earlier) "Did you ever think it would get this bad (VietNam, drugs-sex-rock-and-roll, etc)? I suddenly recalled a book I had read, written by a Southern Baptist in 1896. He related how he was shocked, SHOCKED (his wife "nearly swooned") to see women in New York walking down the street and they could see their legs above the top of the boot and the hem of their petticoats: about 2 inches. He wrote "I just know that Jesus is coming soon because such licentiousness is happening in the USA." So did McGee. He HAD to come soon, the earth is so wicked. I thought to myself: "you ain't seen NUTHIN' yet, brother. And today: homosexual marriage; a rising tide of Islam with the Christian Church persecuted; 1 in 5 teenagers have some sort of STD (and still the Liberal says: "It's SO important to explore your sexuality"); homosexual teachings rampant throughout the religious world--except Islam. And isn't THAT interesting... And now..... sexual robots. I think to myself: "YOU ain't seen nothing yet, Davis"!! -rdd
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