Saturday, July 23, 2011

Something Divine?

I sometimes wonder how God can unconditionally love every human on the planet. So often I am exposed to the unloveliness of humanity. We are rude, short, selfish, outspoken, vain, childish... complete the list with your own personal pet peeves. It's easy to see the worst in others, their shortcomings, their insecurities... it's also easy to see those things in myself. I suppose I can just as easily (if not moreso!) wonder how a righteous God could harbor feelings of infinite love for me.

Yet... there are moments, and I never know exactly when they are coming, when I feel like I share a piece of this same unconditional love for all of humanity. Perhaps I am in an airport, and I see someone sleeping slumped-over, mouth agape, and I have this rush of affection for this stranger. Maybe a cab driver smiles at me. An employee is stocking milk in the dairy section of the supermarket and I get a taste of our Father's furious love for his child.

I love these moments. I wish I could live there all the time.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Deep Thoughts While Chilling in My Hotel Room

When you are young and growing up, a very common question is, Who do you want to be when you grow up? A fireman? A lawyer? A doctor? An athlete? And then you get secondary school, high school, and the question becomes more pertinent. Which college should you go to? Which major should you declare? It's always with a forward look, thinking, planning, studying, working hard... to become this person that you have imagined and planned yourself to be.

Lately I've been having the realization: I am that person. Perhaps that's a tardy revelation at 34 years of age, but I guess you can't really time these things. This is who I am. And that's not to say that I don't have the ability or desire to continue to grow and change and develop and mature... but in some many ways, who I will become is all right here in who I am right now. It's a startling realization.

Now the next question is, am I happy with that person?

That, my friend, is a much tougher question.

Monday, May 09, 2011

MousePhone! Get yours today!

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

"Can I hold him?"

Friday, April 15, 2011

Hi Internet!

Well it's been about two years now, so I thought I would create a new post for my blog. Actually, it's more of a test to see if this will still show up in people's RSS feed. Why write if no one reads it?

Let's take a vote, shall I fire this blog back up again??

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Heroic Images or NASA Fraud?

Friday, July 17, 2009


Sunday, July 12, 2009

True Plight (or Flight?)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Star Dust

Time lapse video of the night sky as it passes over the 2009 Texas Star Party.

Galactic Center of Milky Way Rises over Texas Star Party from William Castleman on Vimeo.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

BBC on Craig Mundie

BBC did a piece on the Microsoft Home, which my team is responsible for, and also a short interview with Craig, our boss.
