Thursday, July 31, 2008


Some of your are wondering, "Gosh, Tim, you have this job that is supposedly on the cutting edge of technology. What kinds of stuff are you guys working on?"

This is an example of the future of technology: Physical Dynamic Rendering with millions of tiny, microscopic robots. Could you imagine all of the potential applications?

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Japanese Style "Popping"

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Long Awkward Pose

This is a great website. The idea is simple: People look foolish when posing for a picture. So tell your loved ones you would like to take their photo... then secretly videotape them the whole time.

Here's some results.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


At first I was amazed to see a mugshot of Bill Gates... but then I was suddenly swept up in his shirt/sweater combination. Wow. He seriously took geek to a whole new level. Props, Bill!

Sunday, July 06, 2008


So I am once again Uncle Tim. I love it! I'll be that crazy uncle that shows up and teaches the wee boy about the crazier side of life... hunting for frogs, how to make sushi bombs, proving that you can turn your poop green by eating too many Otter Pops.

A gorgeous little Rocco: