Thursday, November 06, 2008

Stumpy the Four-Legged Duck

stumpy_version1 from ze frank on Vimeo.

Mexico City

Remember my blog about Mexico City?


You don't remember it? Sheesh, and I thought you were a loyal reader. It was such a deeply profound and inspiring post, too. Ok, here it is.

Anyway, I get to go there this month (Nov. 21-26)! I'm taking an extra couple of days to explore the city. Apparently Mexico City is a lively, exciting, and dangerous place. Stories like this one from last week make me a bit nervous, but since I'm not the heir of some multi-million dollar family, and I don't dress like a lawyer or banker, I'll be ok.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Muppet's Animal Caught Speeding!

Some explanation: German traffic camera systems are designed for cars with the driver on the left and the car is a British Audi with the driver on the right. The German camera system automatically scrambles the image of the passenger in the right seat order to protect their privacy when it detects a “driver” (Animal) in the left seat of the vehicle. Although the German police have the license number, make, and model of the car, the camera system keeps scrambling the driver’s face, preventing them from fining the driver since German law requires the driver to be clearly identifiable in the image.

(from Gizmodo)