Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Deep Thought

If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

New Laptop

So I got my new laptop today in the mail. Yay! I like it so far. It's a new Dell Latitude D620 with a Intel Core Duo processor, two gigs of fast ram and a 256 mb nvidia card.

It is. Fast.

Monday, July 17, 2006


Ever have a day where you are in an "ugh" mood for no apparent reason? I'm having one of those. Not sure why.

Part of it could be my nose. It feels twice as large as it is, and I have a gentle, persistent headache between my eyes. Chris Moody had the excellent idea yesterday to contact Dave Morril and ask if we could go out on Lake Washington on his speedboat. He said yes, and five of us headed out into the pristine, sunny waters of the lake. It was wonderful--we enjoyed getting pulled around on inner tubes and doing multiple face-plants on the wakeboard. On Chris' first try on the wakeboard, he plowed deep into the water and released the tow handle, which shot like a rocket straight at the back of the boat and met with the bridge of my nose with amazing force. I thought for sure my nose was broken. It bled a little but was intact, though we had to get off the lake and into shore so we could get some ice. I had an amazing headache.

Today I feel better, and am looking a bit more Italian with the swollen nose.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Mt. Si Hike

Why hike Mt. Si? Why? It is so tall. It is so steep.

Well, I think the answer is clear: It is fun. It is fun to hike Mt. Si.

This is evidenced by the following photo:

Wait, no. Not that one.

There we go! Look at that fun!