Perfect Little App
Do you ever wish that there was a nice little functional app that just did that one little thing that you need it to do? For free? And I don't mean a "free download", which we know just means that you can get the trial version for free which will do 90% of what you need it to do and then require you to register the product for a one-time fee of $14.99. Or maybe it will do 100% of what you want it to do but leave a big, fat watermark in the middle of the finished product, which won't go away until you buy the stupid software.
This evening I realized that something has been bothering me for some time now. Whenever I walk away from my workstation for any time at all, I lock my workstation (WindowsKey + L). And this always brings up a standard, ugly Vista whooshing-lines background which I just don't like. Why doesn't it post my desktop background up there? Wouldn't that be nice?
Well, let me show you the hotness that is now my logon screen background: