Friday, February 23, 2007

Warren Coates (1922-2007)

My grandfather passed away about two weeks ago. Last week I went back down to Phoenix for his memorial service.

Ever had someone close to you die? It's really strange... it keeps presenting itself to your brain over and over in different ways, the fact that this person is truly gone. It's really hard for the mind to totally grasp. It takes some time. For instance, when I went down to Phoenix, I brought my wireless router to plug into their network so I could access the internet from anywhere in the house on my laptop. Then I had the automatic thought, "I should be sure to ask Grandpa before I do that since the computer is his thing." Then it hit me again that Grandpa could care less about the computer or my wireless router. That's what I mean. It keeps slapping you upside the head.

I've heard it said that death is a part of life. I think this is a really silly thing to say. Death has nothing to do with life. It is all about not being alive. That's the definition of death. Fortunate for the believer (and that includes my Grandpa!) this death is but a small death, a little thing, not to be feared but welcomed as the launching point into a whole new realm of experience where we get to meet our Maker face to face. Scary and exciting.

I was able to spend some time with my Grandpa during his final week on the earth. He talked about how he had been walking and talking with Jesus, and he was ready to go and be with him. He didn't want any more chemo, he didn't want to be resuscitated with a tube down his throat. He was ready to be with God. And who could blame him? He had the privilege of leaving behind his old diseased body and getting a brand new one! His final day on earth, last Saturday, he mentioned that the song "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" had been in his head all day long. And when we sang that hymn at his memorial service, the presence of God and (I'm pretty sure!) my Grandpa filled that place. Would Father allow someone to attend their own memorial service to witness their friends and family honoring their life? Seems right.

Love you Grandpa. Rest in peace.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Magic Lack of Traffic Morning

It's a strange thing, but some mornings, for no apparent reason, traffic is moving right along. I left my condo this morning at the time I usually do, around 7.30 AM, and there's always a timed light to let cars onto I-90. Usually the line is most of the way down the ramp, about 10-15 cars long. This morning, not only was there no line, but the on-ramp wasn't even metered. What makes today special?

Other observations from my morning commute:

- The lady at Starbucks told someone to have a nice morning. At first I thought that this wasn't as good as telling someone to have a nice day, since a full-on nice day would include a nice morning. But on further thought, I think wishing someone a nice morning is a little more personal, a bit more immediate, then the generic "Have a nice day."

- I watched all the freeway lights down I-90 turn off at the same time as the day got brighter. I've seen this happen several times in that same spot on different mornings. Perhaps it's not the light, but it is myself who is turning off all the freeway lights.

- A lady had a fake cat in the rear window of her car. What possesses a person to do that? Then everybody who sees it wonders for a second if it's a real animal, and then sees that it's not. What's the point?

In other news, I have a new 22" widescreen monitor at work. Yay!

Monday, February 05, 2007


Hi there.

Please work with me and do the following exercise:

(1) Sit up straight in your chair.
(2) Take a nice, big, deep breath in through your nose.
(3) Hold it for about five seconds.
(4) Release the breath through your mouth.
(5) Smile.

Hey, check this out: YOU ARE ALIVE TODAY!

And today is the only day that you are alive. Tomorrow is a square on your calendar, and yesterday is just a collage of words, images, and emotions. Today is the only day you can be pinched and feel it. Today you are breathing. Today you can change the world. Today you can call that old friend you've been meaning to call. Today you can go for a run. Today you can eat spaghetti. Only today can you talk to God and hear His voice. Only today can you practice random acts of kindness on unsuspecting victims. Today you can listen to your favorite song. Today you can make a decision to live.

Today is a one-day special. (When you forget this, repeat steps one through five)

"Therefore God again set a certain day, calling it Today..." (Hebrews 4.7)