For Your Viewing Pleasure
Here's a mini-sculpture my glue gun created for me while I was away from my work desk.
Good job, little glue gun.

Here's a mini-sculpture my glue gun created for me while I was away from my work desk.
No, I'm not being childish. That's really the name!
Who would have ever thought they would be such an explosive combination?
True friends will let you know what they really think about you. True friends don't just pat you on the back and say, "Keep on trucking," if they feel you are heading the wrong direction. True friends are willing to confront you with the truth, even if they know that it will sting. They will risk your rejection of them because they recognize that the truth is more important than you feeling good about yourself. True friends are harder to just "hang out with" because they are the type that help get you out of trouble, rather than getting into it with you. True friends don't compromise.
Sometimes I think that a lack of blogging is a good thing. It means that life is busy happening, and you don't have much time to sit down and type about it. Is that why I haven't updated this blog in a couple weeks? Probably. I mean, I've been pretty busy. But also lots is going on inside. I think that God is taking me on an adventure, holding out an offer of true change... I get to become someone else, not the old me, but the new me. I just have to jump on board and say, "Ok." It's a matter of accrued obedience, saying yes throughout the days, which will position me for that shifting into destiny. While I will continue to be trained throughout my life, my season of training is ending. It is time to do. It is time to be. It is time to not mess around.