Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
I Do, Robot
An exerpt from this article about the future of robotics, and the way humans relate to them:
"An artificial intelligence researcher predicts that robotics will make such dramatic advances in the coming years that humans will be marrying robots by the year 2050.
"Robots will become so human-like -- having intelligent conversations, displaying emotions and responding to human emotions -- that they'll be very much like a new race of people, said David Levy, a British artificial intelligence researcher whose book, "Love and Sex with Robots," will be released on Nov. 6."
Lord Jesus, let it never be.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Strategic Prototyping

We are famous! This is Jonathan Cluts, director of our team at Microsoft. Here's the full article in the Seattle PI.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Jakarta Pics
Doubtless if you tried clicking the link on the previous post regarding these photos, you weren't able to view them.
I've posted them to my Flickr photostream for you. I think this is the correct URL to use, so if you can't get there, let me know!
Sickness = Anger
Perhaps you're the same as me in this regard, but when I start to feel those initial signs of getting sick (sore throat, maybe a touch of dizziness, fatigue), I usually get pretty angry. I HATE getting sick SO MUCH. I work hard not to get sick--eat pretty health, exercise often, take multivitamins, wash my hands often, don't hang out with sick folks. Doesn't seem right. And do you ever feel like a sickness magnet? I hate to hear of something "going around." It means I'll likely have a go at it.