Friday, December 30, 2005

AZ Christmas

Just terrible! It's been almost two weeks since my last post. Sorry about that... been feeling lazy and laid back here in sunny Arizona. I think it hit 80 degrees on Christmas day--hotter than a Seattle summer.

My mom and I went to see a bunch of luminaries at the Desert Botanical Garden the first night I flew in. They also had some nice bands (including a sweet 20-person bell choir) and wine tasting. Here's some handy-dandy pictures (luminaries are old-school Christmas lights... a candle in a paper bag with sand to weight it).

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Nice Nieces

On Saturday I had the privilege of spending time with my sister, Niki, and my two nieces, Crystal and Amethyst. Crystal lives in Lawton, Oklahoma and was in town for a brief visit. We hung out at the Pike Place Market, and it was Amy's first time there. We had a good time.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Shoes II

Have you ever bought shoes online? I just did. I don't know if it's a good idea or not. But after stopping in no less than 10-15 shoe stores on and around Broadway in NY and having no success, I was feeling a bit disheartened.

So. I got these:

4 to 5 business days, baby.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


So beyond just seeing the sights, I've also done a bit of shopping in my spare moments. Last night I took the subway downtown to Broadway and Spring St. (SoHo district) looking for some all-elusive pairs of J Shoes. I found them online and they look like some of the sweetest shoes in the entire world. I was hoping to find a pair of their Rattle model (schmutt2 color). Couldn't find that, but I did find a sweet pair of ecru multi/mahogany Hoops. The only problem? They cost $270. Yeah.

People in NY wear great shoes. Unless I'm mistaken, the latest fashion trends come from Europe and hit NY first. I wish that money would come out of my nose, because that is the source from which you must pay for a lot of these clothing items.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Start Spreading the News...

Last night's explorations... Christmas in NY:
Macy's on 5th Ave: A ginormous tree with a gazillion lights (Rockefeller Center)


Where I ate lunch today: "Boom" in SoHo
Parking is hard to come by in NY

Monday, December 12, 2005

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

Yes, last Friday night we had a real humdinger of a time at the opening night of Narnia. I can recommend the movie to anyone and everyone... not a waste of time or money. Here's a few photos from the evening (dinner at 5 spot, coffee at Uptown Espresso, and the movie at Cinerama):

Thursday, December 08, 2005


Haven't felt too inspired to write anything new on my blog lately.

I have a blog stat code that shows how many people are hitting my blog each day. It's interesting to see that when I don't post anything new or exciting, the hits go way down. Sorry if you've checked back and haven't found anything new. Actually, this is the sole reason for this post. Pretty soon you're going to realize that I'm not actually writing anything of substance or interest. You may even feel like a good yawn, like stretching your legs and you might stand up and go and grab a soda, juice, or water, or maybe just stroll over and chat with a co-worker. This will feel nice, like you've momentarily broken the spell of the computer monitor's magical glare shining on you, eyes hypnotically wide, mind fused with the circuitry of your desktop computer.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Back Up

Well my blog went down for a day there. For any of you that may have suffered any psychological trauma from not being able to hit this site, my most sincere apologies. And to help recompense your loss, I'm going to go ahead and offer a day of posting comments for only HALF OF THE PRICE! That's right, you can make as many comments on this blog as you like for today, Tuesday, December 6th, for only HALF of the regular cost.

The Management

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Very curious.